Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Factors why Inbound Marketing Outperforms Outbound Marketing

Half a decade ago, outbound marketing was the main thing for any business but in this era of technological advancement, inbound marketing is the new cool which is not only for showing off but to actually use in the business. Especially if you are starting off, you need to take note of it.
If you have more money than the brain, you should go for outbound marketing and focus on inbound marketing if it’s vice versa. This quote clearly elaborates the significance of inbound marketing nowadays.

Reasons for Inbound Marketing to Be More Beneficial To Traditional Marketing

11.     Economical
Traditional marketing which involves advertising on Televisions, Radio, Bill Boards, Prints, etc. requires a huge amount of money compared to inbound marketing. Inbound marketing is a realistic and profitable approach, however, it includes the cost to create SEO and content development but comparatively the costs are less than traditional marketing.
Picture courtesy:-www.cdn2.hubspot.net

22.      Personalized
A personalized content is more relevant than ever before. Inbound marketing aims at customer relationship building with the use of customized content. It holds each customer individually and is more meaningful than traditional advertising method, which was primarily used to build Brand awareness.

33.      Works on “Approval”
When people get a call from a telemarketer, they don’t get delighted. The torture is outperformed by inbound marketing as it displays only the content relevant to you and also appears when you approve of it or opt for it. As it doesn’t force you to see anything, you remain the one who decides to go to a website or not.

Social Media sites like Facebook or Twitter displays relevant ads only which are related to something you’ve searched for or often do, for the purpose of re-targeting and even those does not bug you for your time. You can avoid them, unlike Television or Radio Ads which can’t be ignored.
Picture courtesy:- www.jitendermudgal.com

44.      Continuous
Traditional Marketing through several sources can be done once at a specific time span. Then the businessmen have to re-invest irrespective of their returns in the next season. On the other hand, Inbound Marketing through using white paper and eBooks’ can sustain itself. Its content has to be created once and it’s ready. People can download it anytime in future which can generate leads for many coming years.

55.      Time-Saving

Traditional strategies for marketing takes a lot of time to plan and being carried on like Trade fairs or Roadshows. It also requires a lot of manpower. Many parts of inbound marketing can be automated to save a lot of time. It might not be the answer for all the marketing efforts but today in this digitization era, it certainly cannot be ignored.

Landing URL:- http://surevin.com/factors-inbound-marketing-outperforms-outbound-marketing/

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