Saturday, October 22, 2016

Curb The Non Manageable Metrics From The Unimportant Ones

Marketing campaigns reach new heights as business flourishes, so does the volume of data. You try to measure the results, set standards and achieve them whilst managing the sales team. The amount of data that you refine through social and blogging efforts is quite vast- demographic, audience reach, follower engagements, casts per action, page views, impressions, posts reactions, shares, link tracking, targets achieved, etc.

Overloading happens when data is approached from the front end. Analytics and data are heavily layered and unmanageable metrics drags the attention away from important things that are within our control. Metrics are effective only if the analysis is prioritized and if you track the right things.


1) What is Unmanageable Metrics?

Every data has a purpose or else it wouldn’t be tracked & displayed within analytics tools- this is partly true because the value of data can vary. Stop controlling the elements & metrics. An unmanageable metric is the one in which the results can’t be affected directly. For instance: – customer acquisition & retention, market share, web traffic & profitability.

The metrics can be influenced but the profitability or market share can’t be transformed by that.

2) Set the Ultimate Aim

Set multiple goals and define them on the basis of what is relevant to your business, results that you want from the campaign and what actions you want your audience to make. Some goals might involve: – getting the customers to buy a specific product, getting more engagement, increasing the social shares of the content. Goals like these are easily quantifiable with the key performance indicators.


3) Analyze your Direction and your Customer’s Journey

Keep an eye on you current sales and customer data. What paths were taken in the past to reach to the conversions? Breakdown all your data like 20% sales from ads on facebook, 10% from email marketing, and 50% from blog posts, etc.

The conversion metrics allows looking for a clear picture of the most effective tactics which are producing results. Also consider also the areas which aren’t performing well. Sometimes temporarily avoid lower performing sources and focus on what is working best for you.

4) First Step towards Conversion

Analyze the consumer’s behavior pattern from initial stage and find out what made them convert. What exactly grabbed their attention? It will vary with various channels and with each customer. After you identify the source, examine your funnel. Each channel needs to be examined in order to find the co-relations. Because of this you will understand what type of content has made your target audience to engage and convert.

5) Critical Metrics for Monitoring and Managing

Define the campaign goals and metrics for monitoring the success, measure actions, comments, and clicks through social ads. Expand the blogging efforts, marketing outreach through split tests and include customer acquisition costs.

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