Thursday, September 1, 2016

Mistakes not to be made by E-Commerce Owners

E-commerce venture to start can be as challenging as it is rewarding. The entrepreneurs put all their efforts, savings, human resource, their heart and soul to make their venture to be successful.

A prudent road-map drawn primarily would include identification of critical points to achieve as well as hindrances to avoid and tackle. Here are the common mistakes which should be avoided in order to ensure the startups to keep going:-

  •  Do Not Choose the Wrong Platform
The software used or the platform used is the primary asset of any business. Choose it in haphazard manner without understanding and it will turn into a fatal mistake for your e-commerce startup as it will be over customized or irrelevant in long run.

To launch the website, there are options available for merchants like SaaS solutions and licensed software’s. These are to be studied along with their pros and cons. 5 points to be remembered avoiding this pitfall are- how soon the launch will be, security aspect, customization level, budget, technical team. Due to this, customer will enjoy optimal user experience SaaS solution is best for small businesses as they are budget friendly, have low technical know-how and takes only a day to launch its own web store.

  •  Going Without SEO
Start investing smartly into marketing and optimize your online business. New in the market focuses mainly on print media advertisements for awareness and promotions. However, if the website does not show on search results, the business is bound to suffer.
SEO is the tool for visibility of website. It makes the website easy for both users and search engines. Though it takes time to show results, therefore there are other options like Ad words and facebook targeted campaigns. But SEO remains powerful in the long run which will draw traffic to the website even after one stop spending on paid ads.

  •  Overconfidence is not Good
There are around 1.4 billion web stores over the internet and only 4.74 billion pages are available on web. So how are you going to sustain & grow in such a competitive atmosphere? An exceptional website and great content is not enough, it must be shared, liked, followed and talked about on social media. This along with SEO will ensure the website picking up and featured in online results as the metrics relies on relevance & importance by tracking what people do over internet.

  •  Not Building a Social Image
A social profile is important with good number of followers and updated with regular posts, images and videos. Engage customers on daily basis on all platforms. Do this by- optimize posts with high conversion keywords, instead of sales pitch, provide share worthy content, users should be your marketing channels- share their reviews, interact with them by adding share buttons, joining groups, starting a blog and using Hashtags.

Efforts in this direction will build a positive social image in the minds of the users and will lead to increased interaction and engagement, better reviews and thereby result in increased traffic and business.

As it may seem benign, avoiding these mistakes can be the difference between a thriving business and a web store no one knows about. You can choose to start taking certain steps in order to avoid these mistakes which if allowed to continue, can turn into a complete demise for your e-commerce startup.

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